Our flexible coworking lab space, ideal for technology and scientific research and development, features shared equipment and laboratory infrastructure to allow members to work undisturbed and with maximum focus.
Laboratory space

Coworking lab space and equipment
Amenities and a growing community
You shouldn’t have to worry about the setup and maintenance of the space. As a member, we want you to dedicate yourself to your science and connect with other innovators working in similar fields.

Choose the plan that fits your needs the best. Focus and be present. Leave the rest to us.
Focus Labs coworking space offers the following shared lab equipment:
- Laminar flow hoods
- Centrifuges
- Incubators and CO2 incubators
- PCR Thermocycler
- Spectrophotometer
- RO Water
- DI Water
- MilliQ Water
- Gel Electrophoresis set-ups
- Autoclave
- Lab Glassware
- Sonicator (wand and bath)
- Oven | Vacuum Pumps | Peristaltic Pumps
- Microscopes: Digital Image Capturing
- Dissecting Scope
- UV Transilluminator
- -80C Freezer | -20 Freezer | 4C Fridge
- Liquid Nitrogen Cryostorage

Technologist R&D Benches
Founder and CEO of ZBiotics, Zack Abbot, doing his genetic engineering thing in the FOCUS coworking lab for a better and healthier YOU!
Mr. Gasser discovered many Technical Breakthroughs and solved many Chemical photo processing problems in the basement of his laboratory at 181 2nd street.
Similarly in this very same laboratory space and technical workshop, modern-day San Francisco innovators are deeply engaged in creative research and development pursuits of various products. FOCUS Innovation Studio fosters the growth of these emerging innovators, scientists and makers on the very same 80-year-old laboratory benchtops used by Mr. Gasser. His innovative legacy is truly felt in every square foot at 181 2nd Street.
FOCUS enables scientists entrepreneurs a fully customized biotech lab space to research and develop their ideas and products within lab coworking space. We provide economical research space, a large biotech community, and a host of services to accelerate their success. Scientists can start with just one bench and easily expand their footprint as their company does. Focus Scientific is positioned for life science, technology, and R&D businesses to have dedicated benches as well as access to shared equipment such as fume hoods, freezers, autoclaves, and more.

Need a private work space? Or a lab bench? Schedule a tour and see all the amazing amenities FOCUS studio offers!