lab image microscope

Safety First: Best Practices for Operating in a Shared Lab Space


by William Roberts, October 23, 2023

In today’s collaborative world, shared lab spaces are becoming increasingly common, revolutionizing the way research and innovations unfold. While these communal environments harness the power of collective intelligence and foster cross-disciplinary exchanges, they also bring with them unique challenges, especially when it comes to safety.

As the number of professionals utilizing these shared facilities grows, ensuring a safe working environment becomes paramount. Whether you’re a novice entering the world of shared labs or a seasoned professional, understanding and implementing safety best practices is crucial.

In this guide, we’ll delve into the essential safety protocols and measures that everyone operating in a shared lab space should be well-versed in, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge remains both exciting and safe.

Understanding Shared Lab Spaces and Their Popularity

Over the past decade, shared lab spaces have emerged as a cost-effective solution for startups, researchers, and independent scientists. Their rise is attributed to the flexibility they offer, enabling users to access high-quality equipment without hefty investments. Moreover, these shared spaces foster a sense of community, facilitating knowledge exchange and sparking innovative collaborations.

Why Safety is Paramount in a Shared Environment

The diverse array of projects and people in a shared lab makes it a melting pot of innovation. However, this diversity also means varying levels of experience and familiarity with equipment and procedures. While one researcher might be well-acquainted with a specific instrument, another might be approaching it for the first time. This dynamic necessitates clear safety protocols to prevent accidents and ensure smooth operations.

Safety Protocols: The Non-Negotiables

  • Equipment Training: Before anyone uses a piece of equipment, comprehensive training should be mandatory. This ensures that all lab users are proficient and reduces the risk of mishandling.
  • Clear Labeling: Every chemical, solution, and instrument should be clearly labeled. This helps in avoiding mix-ups and potential hazardous reactions.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wearing the right PPE, like lab coats, gloves, and safety goggles, isn’t just a recommendation—it’s a necessity.
  • Emergency Procedures: Every lab user should be aware of emergency exits, the location of safety equipment like fire extinguishers and eyewash stations, and the protocol for different emergency scenarios.

Etiquette for Shared Spaces

Beyond the non-negotiable safety protocols, shared lab spaces also require a certain level of etiquette to ensure a harmonious working environment. This includes cleaning up after oneself, reserving equipment in advance, and promptly reporting any malfunctions or issues. Open communication and respect for fellow lab users are key to ensuring that everyone can work efficiently and safely.

Rustic laboratory space

Maximizing Efficiency While Ensuring Safety

In a shared lab space, the goal is twofold: maintain a high level of safety and ensure that all operations run efficiently. Balancing these objectives requires careful planning and a keen understanding of the lab dynamics.

Schedule Coordination:

  • With multiple users aiming to access the same resources, proper scheduling is crucial. Implementing a clear booking system can help avoid overuse of equipment and reduce the risk of accidents from rushed work.
  • A digital calendar or scheduling tool that everyone can access in real-time is a modern solution to prevent conflicts and overlaps.

Designated Storage Areas:

  • To prevent confusion or accidental misuse of chemicals and equipment, each team or individual should have a designated storage space.
  • Clear storage protocols not only promote safety but also improve lab efficiency as researchers don’t waste time looking for their materials.

Regular Maintenance Checks:

  • A malfunctioning piece of equipment isn’t just inefficient; it can be a safety hazard. Setting a routine maintenance check ensures all tools and machines are in top working condition.
  • Quick repairs, when necessary, reduce downtime and maintain the flow of work without compromising safety.

Open Communication Channels:

  • In a shared environment, communication is king. Encouraging open dialogue about any concerns, changes, or updates ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Monthly safety meetings or a shared communication platform can be instrumental in disseminating important information and addressing concerns promptly.
  • By focusing on these practices, shared lab spaces can be hubs of innovation without compromising on the well-being and productivity of their members.

Importance of Regular Training Sessions

Continual learning is the backbone of any scientific endeavor. In shared lab spaces, the dynamic environment and diverse range of projects demand consistent training to ensure everyone remains updated and informed.

  • Orientation for New Members:
    • Every newcomer should undergo a comprehensive orientation process. This introduces them to the lab’s safety protocols, equipment usage, and other essential details.
    • A well-structured induction ensures that new members become productive faster while adhering to established safety norms.
  • Periodic Safety Drills:
    • Just knowing the protocols is not enough; periodic safety drills ensure everyone knows how to act in emergencies.
    • Drills should mimic potential hazards like chemical spills or equipment malfunctions to prepare the team for real-life situations.
  • Updates on Equipment and Protocols:
    • As technology evolves, equipment gets updated or replaced. Regular training sessions keep everyone informed about these changes and how to use new tools effectively and safely.
    • A lab might also adapt or change certain protocols based on new research or findings. Regular training ensures everyone is aligned with these changes.
  • Feedback and Improvement:
    • Post-training feedback sessions can provide valuable insights into areas that might need more focus or clarity.
    • Encouraging members to voice their concerns or suggestions can lead to improved training modules and a safer lab environment.

Continuous Training and Skill Upgradation

In the rapidly evolving world of lab research and technology, staying updated is paramount. Shared lab spaces, with their diverse range of projects and techniques, can be a hotbed for innovation but also potential risks if users aren’t adequately trained.

  • Regular Safety Workshops:
    • Organize periodic workshops where everyone is updated on the latest safety protocols. This is especially necessary when new equipment or chemicals are introduced to the lab.
    • These sessions can also act as refresher courses, ensuring that older, yet critical, safety measures aren’t forgotten.
  • Online Courses and Certifications:
    • Encourage team members to undertake online courses related to lab safety. Recognizing and rewarding those who complete these can be a motivating factor.
    • Certifications not only enhance individual knowledge but also add to the credibility of the shared lab space.
  • Hands-on Training:
    • Whenever new equipment is procured, ensure that representatives from the manufacturing company provide hands-on training to all potential users.
    • This ensures that equipment is used correctly, efficiently, and safely, minimizing chances of mishaps.
  • Feedback Loops:
    • Post-training, gather feedback from participants. This helps in understanding if the training was effective and identifies areas of improvement.
    • An open dialogue post-training can also bring forth novel safety ideas from the team, capitalizing on their on-ground experience.
    • Commitment to continuous learning and training ensures that the shared lab space remains a beacon of innovation without compromising on the safety of its inhabitants.


Navigating the complexities of a shared lab space can seem daunting. However, with the right safety measures, guidelines, and a commitment to ongoing education, these environments can become hubs of innovation and collaboration. As the shared lab culture continues to grow, so should our dedication to ensuring every individual feels safe and empowered in their workspace. By adopting these best practices, we not only protect our greatest assets—our researchers and their groundbreaking work—but also foster a culture where safety and innovation go hand in hand.

Interested in experiencing a lab space that prioritizes safety without compromising on innovation? Come visit our shared lab space at FOCUS and witness firsthand the synergy of security and creativity.

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