Choose the plan that fits your needs the best. Focus and be present. Leave the rest to us.
Imagine the situation where your chair or your couch is your office. Wouldn’t you think of that as a dream coming true? Well, it seems like dreams are coming true these days since we have been living in coronavirus reality for the past half a year.
Although it may seem that working from home has many delighting advantages and rarely affordable flexibility, the truth is that not all of us are predisposed to transition onto this and that remote can actually be quite a challenge, demanding a lot in return.
If you are going to be experiencing remote work in the future months, here we present you with some brief info about recognizing your own predispositions for this, as well as tips for overcoming the obstacles detaining you from working from the silence of your home.
Although the Coronavirus has managed to increase the popularity of remote work and make it a “new normality”, working from home has actually been popular and beneficial, both for the employer and the employee.
Besides the current need for limiting human interaction and preserving fiscal health, many employees find more work-to-normal life balance when staying home and finishing current tasks there instead of the office.
Thanks to the integration of new technologies in every niche, it is no longer required to be physically present in the office to be productive. Also, the satisfaction of the employees and their home closeness increases productivity, which ultimately satisfies the employer and saves its costs.
So, why sometimes things are not that perfect?
If you do consider yourself independent and capable – go for it. But there are many people who “overdo” the benefit of working in your pajamas. Working from home actually means learning to rely on self-motivation, being self-disciplined, concentrating, and focusing on getting the job done!
Working from allows you to enjoy more flexibility, creativity, or start your workday earlier. Sometimes, even in the process of job selection, employers are interested to know if they are hiring a person capable of remote working.
What does that mean?
Motivation to work remotely ensures your reliability to work from home. A convinced interviewer considers you trustworthy and ready to work in the best interest of some company.
As long as you’re not sneaking Netflix and binging shows, you actually can get the work done from home. The all-present “danger” in remote, except slacking and doing something else, is not being available for calls or emails right away – especially if they have children to look for. People might start wondering if you’re pulling your best…
Sometimes, people can clock out, meaning doing less, and on the opposite side of them, we have diligent employees overdoing their tasks and going much forward.
When the fiscal separation of home and office is not present, your workday lines tend to blur together, and the feeling of being always “at work” could lead to burnout.
Our homes usually are not well equipped with the technological tools that get the job done. Even not having full access to communicating platforms makes it harder for remote workers.
When facing hard times when working from home, one starts cherishing face time with colleagues. Face timing actually helps to get more communicative than usual and boosts camaraderie. Such opportunities for spontaneous team building when working remotely are moments to be cherished.
Keep it professional! Even if you don’t have an office workspace you should make sure that your working space is off-limits to the rest of your household! Contracting on doorbells, dog barking or kids screaming can be unbearable while at a meeting.
Also, it’s important to get used to the habit of being responsive. Sending an email or replying whenever you get one, even with “Got it,” can mean a lot to your coworkers and builds trust. Regular check-ins are smart to involve in the everyday remote. They help you stay accountable and remind your office counterparts of your presence.
By entering this sudden work-from-home situation we need to set the right mindset knowing everyone’s job and effort. You can do a great job and enjoy your home at the same time.