How are you sign on a building wall

4 Ways To Invest In Your Remote Work Mental Health This Week


by Hannah Freeman, September 3, 2021

Is remote work bad for mental health? Well, speaking of stability at work while working remotely has become the “million-dollar question” these days.

While we have always known that remote work is not for everybody, the impact of isolation imposed by the Covid-19 is a big fear-creator even for the most outgoing ones.

Working remotely can cause you to feel isolated, making it even more important to establish a routine in check with your mental health.

After all, work and success are not only about the final result, but about people, the team, and how they are doing.

How Does Working From Home Affect Mental Health?

Remote working has unique challenges that are different from working in an office. The most unfavorable one – struggles with your mental health.

This is something that freelancers and entrepreneurs working from home had to cope with even before the pandemic, but it’s coming to light recently due to the huge influx of remote working employees.

Research shows that the adverse psychological effects of working from home are:

  • Loneliness – caused by isolation and lack of colleagues to speak to in person
  • Anxiety and stress – due to a lack of time management skills 
  • The pressure of working extra hours
  • Lack of concentration (and then again anxiety, stress, etc.)
  • Depression – exacerbated by loneliness and lack of social support

Depression is by far the most dangerous of all. 

The symptoms of depression can include bursts of anger, anxiety, agitation, increased cravings for food, or even physical problems like headaches and back pain.

Breathe neon sign

How To Look After Your Mental Health While Working Remotely

How can you address the challenges of remote working as an employee? Here are some tips and habits you can implement to take care of your mental health while working from home.

1. Prioritize Making The Best Of Your Free Time

It may seem obvious, but in a crowded calendar full of meetings, tasks, deadlines, family, physical hygiene, and children, the thought of taking care of yourself and staying mentally healthy while working from home – often comes last.

By taking regular breaks within work and meetings allows for break times where they can pop some clothes in the laundry, check-in on the kids, or take a few minutes to breathe, buy something, or catch up on your favorite tv show.

Free time mindset matters a lot when it comes to helping your remote work mental health and thriving in new work environments. 

By prioritizing to make the best of your free time, whether on work breaks or vacation – we strengthen our mental health and gain more energy to be productive at work, from home.

And don’t be to harsh to yourself! You do You – it does not have to be perfect.

2. Create A Routine And Stick To It

Routines strengthen your mental health by reducing the number of decisions you have to make in a day. They also help you track your work transparently.

When you are organized and prepared for the tasks you maintain the energy to get things done

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3. Keep Your Immunity Strong

Try to schedule daily workouts or walks to keep your body strong. After a day of sitting, it’ll be refreshing, and exercising helps to lower anxiety and boost the flow of endorphins in the body, ultimately supporting a strong immune system.

Make a commitment to stay healthy!

  • Prioritize 6 to 8 hours of sleep
  • Try to eat well and stay hydrated
  • Help yourself with some vitamins if needed
  • Pump up that personal hygiene
  • Allow fresh air to circulate your home

4. Discover The Magic Of Coworking Spaces

Why not take the advantage of your flexible schedule during the day? 

You can start early in the morning, take a break, and then finish the job in the evening – in collaboration with your colleagues, of course.

Why not also try working outside of your home, at least one day per week. You can join coworking communities or form groups within your organization for regular meetings, brainstorming sessions, or just work, with a pinch of social connection to chase the clouded mind.

Here at Focus,  co-workers and friends share tips on what’s working well for them to handle remote work and mental health. We encourage you to do the same

Coworking spaces exist under a sort of a “sky’s the limit” philosophy on creative ways to stay:

Being sane, stable, and emotionally strong is equally as important as anything else – as important as our physical health.

Thankfully, your mental health while working remotely doesn’t have to suffer as a result of not being able to see other people – as long as you take the right approach.

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